by InsuranceReviews

Free National General Auto Insurance Quote

Get a free National General auto insurance quote online, over the phone (call 1-800-462-2123), or in-person with a local agent (go to this page to find an agent near you). Review all of the features, benefits, discounts, and coverages here. Answers to commonly asked questions regarding auto policies can be viewed on the FAQ page (click here). The instructions below provide a general overview of how to use the online quote tool to get a free rate.

How to Get a Quote

Step 1 – Start by going to the homepage (either enter into your web browser, or simply click on the ‘Quote’ button at the top of this page).

Step 2 – After the homepage has loaded, you will see a large quote input form on the right side of the page (outlined below).

Step 3 – Enter your postal/ZIP code, ensure that ‘Auto’ is selected from the drop-down list, and then click ‘Go’ to begin.


Step 4 – Select between RV or personal auto by clicking the ‘Go’ button again. After clicking this link you will be transferred to the main, six-step submission form.


Step 5 – In the first section you will provide various personal details. Enter your first name, last name, date of birth, email address, full street address, and ZIP code. Click the ‘Start My Quote’ button at the bottom of the form when you are ready to move to the next section.


Step 6 – In the remaining sections (drivers, vehicles, discounts, your rate, final details, purchase), provide all of the required information until you have completed the quote process.

Note: You can call 1-888-565-3359 for technical support. 

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insurance Editor
Our editor admin of, a website that provides comprehensive reviews of insurance companies and products. He has over 10 years of experience in the insurance industry, and he is passionate about helping consumers find the best insurance for their needs.

Our editor admin of, a website that provides comprehensive reviews of insurance companies and products. He has over 10 years of experience in the insurance industry, and he is passionate about helping consumers find the best insurance for their needs.

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